What Happened To Gordon Ramsay? The Celebrity Bash Meets With A Bike Crash

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Gordon Ramsay (Credit: YouTube)

Gordon Ramsay has shared his experience following a serious cycling accident in Connecticut, describing himself as “lucky to be alive.”

In a recent Instagram video, Ramsay, 57, displayed a large bruise on his torso and showed photos of his damaged helmet and torn clothes.

Gordon Ramsay (Credit: X)

He thanked the medical team for their care and highlighted the crucial role his helmet played in saving his life, urging others to prioritize safety while cycling.

“Hey guys, it’s Gordon. I’d like to share a very important message with you. All you know how much I love cycling and triathlons and Iron Man, etc., and this week unfortunately I had a really bad accident and really shook me and honestly I’m lucky to be here.”

Ramsay said ,

“Those incredible trauma surgeons, doctors, nurses in the hospitals looked after me this week. They were amazing but honestly, you’ve got to wear helmets.

I don’t care how short the journey is I don’t care … These helmets cost money but they with a kid short journey they’ve got to wear a helmet.”

Gordon Ramsay (Credit: Pinterest)

Ramsay’s message about helmet safety is indeed timely. According to PennDOT statistics, bicycle accidents account for approximately 1.1% of all traffic crashes and 1.6% of traffic deaths in Pennsylvania, with 21 fatalities reported in 2017.

These figures highlight the significant risks associated with cycling and underscore the importance of wearing protective gear like helmets.

By Jensen Wilson

Jensen Wilson has always been passionate about writing, especially when it comes to celebrity gossip. His articles primarily focus on lifestyle, the ups and downs of the celebrity relationships, and everything related to that.

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